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What a well-cared for garden is to vegetables,

a church should be for our souls.  


For you to grow in all the ways God designs, you need to get involved in a great Bible-teaching and community-engaged church family near you.  Tell us where you live and there is a good chance we can make a recommendation or two that will help you find just the right garden to bloom in.  Maybe you’ve found a great one near you that you could recommend to us as we build our list of great churches, please feel free leave your recommendation here.


If you live anywhere near West Cobb County or East Paulding County (or Northwest Atlanta in general) - Pastor Tom would love to have you come visit Mars Hill Community Church where he serves as the Senior Pastor.  Here is a link to the Mars Hill website if you’re interested.

We want to actively teach or “disciple” you in your faith walk with the Lord. We’ll send you short daily (five days/week) teachings/devotionals.  If you’ll read and apply them faithfully, you’ll keep growing stronger, becoming more and more like our Savior Jesus each day.  Sign up here to receive our daily teaching emails.


If you sign up to receive the daily devotions, we’ll also make sure we keep you in the loop when any new resources or events become available that may be helpful to your life and growth.


Thank you for connecting with us - we’re excited for the journey ahead together.


© 2024 by This Stuff Matters 

5200 Dallas Hwy, Suite 200 PBM 209 Powder Spring, GA 30127


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